
Monday, September 30, 2019

Hickey Fate Versus Free Will Oedipus Rex

The downfall of Oedipus was due to free will rather than fate shown in his De minding of information and his immediate, irrational actions. Oedipus being the arrogant king he is, was constantly looking for information when others had informed him that it would not be useful, even damaging to Oedipal use's current life and well being. In an exchange between Oedipus and Tires, Oedipus had deem need Tires to him palace to tell him his prophecy and who was the one who had killed Alias and plagued the and.Tires responded to these demands with â€Å"l will cause neither me nor y o distress. Why do you vainly question me like this? You will not learn a thing from me,†. Tires clearly tells Oedipus there is no benefit to this knowledge giving Oedipus the opportunity to stop questioning the blind prophet but it was Oedipus choice to continue to pester the old ma n until the devastating truth was revealed to him and in his ignorance questioned â€Å"Who t old you to say this? Rather tha n face the truth he had demanded.Oedipus later seeded inform nation to whether e killed his father and who his birth father truly was. His wife, and later to be discovered mother, stated â€Å"In the name of the gods, no! If you have some concern for you our own life, then stop! Do not keep investigating this. I will suffer that will be enough†. Though J coasts begs him, he continues to freely search for information that would bring him no be unfit when he could have ended his search right then. Due to his choosing, Oedipus looked for info urination when he could have listened to those around him and lived out a nice, yet ignorant life to the truth.Though Oedipus could defeat the sphinx with his intelligence, intelligence coo old not stop him from the irrational actions he chose. Once the pieces of information had finally matched up and he revealed the truth he had searched for, Oedipus and his mother took t heir fates into their own hands. Oedipus found his mother hung in th eir bedroom, dead and then decided to take her jewelry and stabbed his own eyes out. Though the news was devastating, these e actions were overly dramatic, considering both beings had known their prophecy but it was their choice to sake such harsh actions.Though it was fate who had propelled Oedipus to sat b his eyes out, it was Oedipus choice to do so rather than think rationally about how to go ABA out such a horrid situation. Oedipus had known his fate from the beginning but it was his choice to contain u to look for the information he had been warned not to find and stab out the eyes that t had blinded him from the truth all along. Fate is something that is inevitable but it is the choice of the one whose fate is determined to how they go about the destined events that will occur.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Fluke, or, I Know Why the Winged Whale Sings Chapter 29~30

CHAPTER TWENTY-NINE Talking Up the Dead Nate hadn't seen his old teacher, Gerard ;Growl; Ryder, in fourteen years, but except for the fact that he was very pale, the biologist looked exactly the same as Nate remembered him: short and powerful, a jaw like a knife, and a long swoop of gray hair that was always threatening to fall into his pale green eyes. â€Å"You're the Colonel?† Nate asked. Ryder had disappeared twelve years ago. Lost at sea in the Aleutians. â€Å"I toyed with the title for a while. For a week or so I was Man-Meat the Magnificent, but I thought that sounded like I might be compensating for something, so I decided to go with something military-sounding. It was a toss-up between Captain Nemo from Twenty Thousand Leagues and Colonel Kurtz from Heart of Darkness. I finally decided to go with just ‘the Colonel. It's more ominous.† â€Å"That it is.† Once again reality was taking a contextual tilt for Nate, and he was trying to keep from falling. This once brilliant, brilliant man was sitting in a mass of goo talking about choosing his megalomaniacal pseudonym. â€Å"Sorry to keep you waiting for so long before I brought you down here. But now that you're here, how's it feel to stand in the presence of God?† â€Å"Respectfully, sir, you're a fucking squirrel.† â€Å"This doesn't feel right,† Clay whispered to Libby Quinn. â€Å"We shouldn't be having a funeral when Nate's still alive.† â€Å"It's not a funeral,† said Libby. â€Å"It's a service.† They were all there at the Whale Sanctuary. In the front row: Clay, Libby, Margaret, Kona, Clair, and the Old Broad. Moving back: Cliff Hyland and Tarwater with their team, the Count and his research grommets, Jon Thomas Fuller and all of the Hawaii Whale Inc. boat crews, which constituted about thirty people. On back: whale cops, bartenders, and a couple of waitresses from Longee's. From the harbor: live-aboards and charter captains, the harbormaster, booth girls and dive guides, boat hands and a guy who worked the coffee counter at the fuel dock. Also, researchers from the University of Hawaii and, strangely enough, two black-coral divers – all crowded into the lecture hall, the ceiling fans stirring their smells together into the evening breeze. Clay had scheduled the service in the evening so the researchers wouldn't miss a day of the research season. â€Å"Still,† said Clay. â€Å"He was a lion,† said Kona, a tear glistening in his eye. â€Å"A great lion.† This was the highest compliment a Rastafarian can bestow upon a man. â€Å"He's not dead,† said Clay. â€Å"You know that, you doof.† â€Å"Still,† said Kona It was a Hawaiian funeral in that everyone was in flip-flops and shorts, but the men had put on their best aloha shirts, the women their crispest flowered dresses, and many had brought leis and head garlands, which they draped over the wreaths at the front of the room that represented Nathan Quinn and Amy Earhart. A Unity Church minister spoke for ten minutes about God and the sea and science and dedication, and then he opened up the floor to anyone who had something to say. There was a very long pause before the Old Broad, wearing a smiling-whale-print muumuu and a dozen white orchids in her hair, tottered to the podium. â€Å"Nathan Quinn lives on,† she said. â€Å"Can I get an amen!† shouted Kona. Clair yanked his remaining dreadlocks. All the biologists and grad students looked at each other, eyes wide, confused, wondering if any of them had actually brought an amen that they could give up. No one had told them they were going to need an amen, or they would have packed one. All the harbor people and Lahaina citizens were intimidated by the science people, and they were not about to give up an amen in front of all of these eggheads, no way. The whale cops didn't like the fact that Kona was not in jail, and they weren't giving him shit, let alone an amen. Finally one of the black-coral divers who had that night found the perfect cocktail for grieving in a hit of ecstasy, a joint, and a forty of malt liquor, sighed a feeble ;Amen; over the mourners like a sleepy, stinky, morning-breath kiss. â€Å"And I know,† continued the Old Broad, â€Å"that if it were not for his stubbornness in procuring a pastrami on rye for that singer in the channel, he would be here with us today.† â€Å"But if he were here with us – † whispered Clair. â€Å"Shhhhhh,† shushed Margaret Painborne. â€Å"Don't you shush me, or you'll be munching carpet through a straw.† â€Å"Please, honey,† said Clay. The Old Broad rambled on about talking to the whales every day for the last twenty-five years, about how she'd known Nate and Clay and Cliff when they first came to the island and how young and stupid they were then, and how that had changed, as now they weren't that young anymore. She talked about what a thoughtful and considerate man Nate was, but how, if he hadn't been so absentminded, he might have found a decent woman to love him, and how she didn't know where he was, but if he didn't get his bottom back to Maui soon, she would twist his ear off when she saw him. And then she sat down to resounding silence and tittering pity, and everyone looked at Clay, who looked at a ceiling fan. After a long, awkward minute, when the Unity minister had to head-fake to the podium a couple of times, as if he would have to call a conclusion to the service, Gilbert Box – the Count – got up. He wasn't wearing his hat for once, but he still wore his giant wraparound sunglasses, and without the balance of the giant hat, the glasses atop his angular frame made him appear insectlike, a particularly pale praying mantis in khakis. He adjusted the microphone, cleared his throat with great pomp, and said, â€Å"I never liked Nathan Quinn†¦Ã¢â‚¬  And everyone waited for the â€Å"but,† but it never came. Gilbert Box nodded to the crowd and sat back down. Gilbert's grommets applauded. Cliff Hyland spoke next, talking for ten minutes about what a great guy and fine researcher Nate was. Then Libby actually went forward and spoke at length about Nate's Canadianness and how he had once defended the Great Seal of British Columbia as being superior to all the other provincial seals in that it depicted a moose and a ram smoking a hookah, showing a spirit of cooperation and tolerance, while Ontario's seal depicted a moose and an elk trying to eat a bear, and Saskatchewan's showed a moose and a lion setting fire to a fondue pot – both of which clearly exploited the innate Canadian fear of moose – and the seal of Quebec depicted a woman in a toga flashing one of her boobs at a lion, which was just fucking French. He'd named all the provinces and their seals, but those were the ones Libby could remember. Then Libby sniffled and sat down. â€Å"That's what you could come up with?† hissed Clay. â€Å"What, five years of marriage?† Libby whispered in his ear, â€Å"I had to go with something that wouldn't threaten Margaret. I don't see you storming the podium.† â€Å"I'm not going to talk about my dead friend when I don't think he's dead.† And before they knew it, Jon Thomas Fuller was at the podium being thankful for Nate's support for his new project, then going on about how much he appreciated how the whale-research community had gotten behind his new â€Å"dolphin interaction center,† all of which was big news to the whale-research community who was listening. During the short speech, Clair had caught Clay's neck in what appeared to be an embrace of consolation but was in fact a choke hold she'd learned from watching cops on the news. â€Å"Baby, if you try to go after him, I'll have you unconscious on the floor in three seconds. That would be disrespectful to Nate's memory.† But her effort left Kona unattended on the other side, and he managed to cough ;Bullshit; as Jon Thomas took his seat. Next a grad student who worked for Cliff Hyland stood and talked about how Nate's work had inspired her to go into the field. Then someone from the Hawaiian Department of Conservation and Resources talked about how Nate had always been at the forefront of conservation and protection of the humpbacks. Then the harbormaster talked about Nate's being a competent and conscientious boat pilot. All told, an hour had passed, and when it seemed obvious that no one else was going to stand up, the minister moved toward the podium but was beaten to it by Kona, who had slipped from Clair's steely grip and high-stepped his way to the front. â€Å"Like old Auntie say, Nathan is living on. But no one here today say a thing about the Snowy Biscuit, who – Jah's mercy be on her – is feeding fishes in the briny blue about now.† (Sniff.) â€Å"I know her only short time, but I think I can say for all of us, that I always want to see her naked. Truth, mon. And when I think upon the round, firm – ; † – she will be missed,† Clay said, finishing for the faux Hawaiian. He had clamped a hand over Kona's mouth and was dragging him out the door. â€Å"She was a bright kid.† With that, the minister jumped to the podium, thanked everyone for coming, and declared, with a prayer, all respects paid in full. Amen. â€Å"Well, yes, mental health can be a problem,† said Growl Ryder. â€Å"Being God's conscience is a tough job.† Nate looked around, and, as if following his gaze, the Goo receded around them until they were in a chamber about fifteen feet in diameter – a bubble. It was like camping in someone's bladder, Nate thought. â€Å"That better?† Ryder asked. Nate realized that the Colonel was the one controlling the shape of the chamber they were in. â€Å"Someplace to sit would be good.† The Goo behind Nate shaped itself into a chaise longue. Nate touched it tentatively, expecting to pull his hand back trailing strings of slime, but although the Goo glistened as if it were wet, on the chair it felt dry. Warm and icky, but dry. He sat down on the chaise. â€Å"Everyone thinks you're dead,† Nate said. â€Å"You, too.† Nate hadn't thought about it much, but, of course, the Colonel had to be right. They would have thought him long dead. â€Å"You've been here since you disappeared, what, twelve years ago?† â€Å"Yes, they took me with a modified right whale, ate my whole Zodiac, my equipment – everything. They brought me here in a blue whale. I went mad during the trip. Couldn't handle the whole idea of it. They kept me restrained most of the way here. I'm sure that didn't help.† Ryder shrugged. â€Å"I got better, once I accepted the way things are down here. I understood why they took me.† â€Å"And that would be†¦?† â€Å"The same reason they took you. I was about to figure out their existence from what was hidden in the signal of different whale calls. They took both of us to protect the whale ships and, ultimately, the Goo. We should be grateful they didn't just kill us.† Nate had wondered about that before. Why the trouble? â€Å"Okay, why didn't they?† â€Å"Well, they took me alive because the Goo and the people here wanted to know what I knew, and by what path I came to suspect the content in the whale calls. They took you alive because I ordered it so.† â€Å"Why?† â€Å"What do you mean, ‘why'? Because we were colleagues, because I taught you, because you're bright and intuitive and I liked you and I'm a decent guy. ‘Why? Fuck you, ‘why?  » â€Å"Growl, you live in a slime lair and maintain an identity as the mysterious overlord of an undersea city, you command a fleet of meat dreadnaughts with crews of humanoid whale people, and you're currently reclining in a pulsating mass of gelatinous goo that looks like it escaped from hell's own Jell-O mold – so excuse the fuck out of me if I question your motives.† â€Å"Okay, good point. Can I get you something to drink?† Like many scientists Nate had known, Ryder had plodded on only to realize midcourse that he'd forgotten certain social niceties practiced by other civilized humans, but in this case he was completely missing the point. â€Å"No, I don't need anything to drink. I need to know how this happened. What is this stuff? You're a biologist, Growl, you have to have been curious about this.† â€Å"I'm still curious. But what I do know is that this stuff makes up everything in Gooville, everything you've seen here, the buildings, the corridors, most of the machinery – although I guess you'd call it biomachinery – all of it is the Goo. One giant, all-encompassing organism. It can form itself into nearly any organism on earth, and it can design new organisms as the need arises. The Goo made the whale ships and the whaley boys. And here's the kicker, Nate: It didn't make them over thirty million years. The entire species isn't more than three hundred years old.† â€Å"That's not possible,† Nate said. There were certain things that you accepted if you were going to be a biologist, and one of them was that complex life was a process of evolution by natural selection, that you got a new species because the genes that favored survival in a certain environment were replicated in that species, selected by being passed on, often a process that took millions of years. You didn't put in your order and pick up a new species at the window. There was no cosmic fry cook, there was no watchmaker, there was no designer. There was only process and time. â€Å"How could you possibly know that anyway?† â€Å"I just know things by being in contact with the Goo, but I'm not far off. It might be less time – two hundred years.† â€Å"Two hundred years? The whaley boys are definitely sentient by any definition, and I don't even know what the whale ships are, but they're definitely alive, too. That kind of complexity doesn't happen in that short a time.† â€Å"No, I'd say the Goo has probably been here as long as three and a half billion years. The rocks around these caves are some of the oldest in the world. I'm just saying the whaley boys and the ships are new. They're only a few hundred years old because that's how long ago the Goo needed them.† â€Å"The Goo needed them, so it made them to serve it? Like it has will?† â€Å"It does have will. It's self-aware, and it knows a lot. In fact, I'd venture to say that the Goo is a repository for every bit of biological knowledge on the planet. This, Nate, this Goo is as close to God as we are ever going to see. It's the perfect soup.† â€Å"As in primordial soup?† â€Å"Precisely. Four billion years ago some big organic molecules grouped up, probably around some deep-sea source of geothermal heat, and they learned how to divide, how to replicate. Since replication is the name of life's game, it very quickly – probably in the span of less than a hundred million years – covered the entire planet. Big organic molecules that couldn't exist now because there are millions of bacteria that would eat them, but back then there were no bacteria. At one time the entire oceanic surface of the earth was populated by one single living thing that had learned to replicate itself. Sure, as the replicators were exposed to different conditions they mutated, they developed into new species, they fed on each other, some colonized each other and turned into complex animals, and then more complex animals, but part of that original living animal pulled back into its original niche. By this time chemical information was being exchanged – fi rst by UNA, then by DNA – and as each new species evolved, it carried on all the information for making the next species, and that information came back to the original animal. But it had its safe niche, pulling energy from the earth's heat, sheltered in the deep ocean and by rock. It took in all the information from the animals that it came in contact with, but it changed only enough to protect itself, replicate itself. While a million million species lived and died in the sea, this original animal evolved very slowly, learning, always learning. Think of it, Nate: Within the cells of your body is not only the blueprint for every living thing on earth but everything that has ever lived. Ninety-eight percent of your DNA is just hitching a ride, just lucky little genes that were smart enough to align themselves to other successful genes, like marrying into money, if you will. But the Goo, not only does it have all of those genes, it has the diagram to turn them on and off. Th at seat you're sitting on may well be three billion years old.† Nate suddenly felt something he'd felt before only when waking up in a hotel with the bedspread pulled up around his face: a deep and earnest hope, motivated by disgust, that in all the time it had been there, someone had cleaned the cast-off genetic material from it. He stood up, just for safety. â€Å"How could you possibly know this, Growl? It goes against everything we know about evolution.† â€Å"No it doesn't. It completely fits. Yes, a complex process like life can develop, given enough time, but we also know that an animal that fits perfectly into its niche isn't pressured to change. Sharks have remained basically the same for a hundred million years, the chambered nautilus for five hundred million. Well, you're just looking at the animal that found its niche first. The first animal, the source.† Nate shook his head at the magnitude of it. â€Å"You might be able to explain the evolutionary path being preserved, but you can't explain consciousness, analytical thought, processes that require a very complex mechanism to perform. You can't pull off that sort of complexity of function with big, fluffy organic molecules.† â€Å"The molecules have evolved, but they remembered. The Goo is a complex, if amorphous, life form; there are no analogs for it. Everything is a model of it, and nothing is a model of it.† Nate stepped back from the Colonel, and the Goo flexed to make room for him. The movement gave him a brief moment of vertigo, and he lost his balance. The Goo caught him, the surface moving forward against his shoulder blades just enough to steady him on his feet. Nate whipped around quickly and the Goo pulled back. â€Å"God, that's creepy!† â€Å"There you go, Nate. Aware. You'd be amazed at what the Goo knows – at what it can tell us. You can have a life here, Nate. You'll see things here you would never see, you'll do things you could never do. And in the process you can help me unravel the greatest biological riddle in the history of the world.† â€Å"I think you're supposed to laugh manically after saying something like that, Colonel.† â€Å"If you help me, I'll give you what you've always wanted.† â€Å"Despite what you think, what I want is to go home.† â€Å"That's not going to happen, Nate. Not ever. You're a bright man, so I won't insult you by pretending the circumstances are any different than they are: You are not ever going to leave these caverns alive, so now you have to make the decision of how you want to spend your life. You can have everything here that you could have on the surface – much more, in fact – but you're not leaving.† â€Å"Well, in that case, Colonel, see if you can get your giant booger to duplicate you so you can go fuck yourself.† â€Å"I know what the whale song means, Nate. I know what it's for.† Nate felt as if he'd been sucker-punched by his own obsession, but he tried not to show the impact. â€Å"Doesn't really matter now, does it?† â€Å"I understand. You take a little time to work into the idea, Nate, but there is some urgency. This isn't just standing back and collecting data – we need to do something. I want your help. We'll talk soon.† The Goo came down and seemed to envelop the Colonel. There was a sound like ripping paper, and a long, pink tunnel opened behind Nate, leading all the way to the iris door through which he'd entered. He took one last look over his shoulder, but there was nothing except Goo, Ryder was gone. Nate was met in the hall by the two big killer whaley boys, who took one look at his face, then looked at each other, then snickered, with big toothy grins. Emily 7 was nowhere to be seen. â€Å"He's a fucking squirrel,† Nate said. The whaley boys went into wheezing fits of laughter, doubling over as they led Nate down the corridor and back to the grotto. Say what you want, Nate thought. The Goo designed these guys to enjoy themselves. As soon as Nate entered the apartment, he knew he wasn't alone. There was a smell there, and not just the ubiquitous ocean smell that permeated the whole grotto, but a sweeter, artificial smell. He quickly checked the main living rooms and the bathroom. When the portal to the bedroom opened, he could see a shape under the covers in his double bed. The biolighting hadn't come on in the bedroom as usual. Nate sighed. The shape under the covers nuzzled into the corner of the bed exactly the way she had on the whale ship. â€Å"Emily 7, you are a lovely – ah – person, really, but I'm – † He was what? He had no idea what he was going to say. He was just trying to get to know himself better? He needed some space? But then he realized that whatever, whoever was under the sheets was too small to be the enamored whaley boy. Nu;ez, he thought. This was going to be worse than Emily 7. Nu;ez was really his only human contact in Gooville, even if she was working for the cause. He didn't want to alienate her. He couldn't afford to. He moved into the room, trying to think of a way that this could possibly not make things worse. â€Å"Look, I know that we've spent a lot of time together, and I like you, I really do –  » â€Å"Good,† said Amy, throwing back the covers. â€Å"I like you, too. You coming in?† CHAPTER THIRTY Motherfluker Clay and Kona had spent the day cleaning the muck out of the raised-from-the-deep Always Confused. Now Clay stood on the breakwater at the Lahaina Harbor, watching the sun bubble red into the Pacific and throw purple fire over the island. He was feeling that particular mix of melancholy and agitation that usually comes with drinking coffee and Irish whiskey at the wake of someone you never knew, and it usually ends in a fight. He felt as if he should do something, but he didn't know what. He needed to move, but he didn't know where. Libby had confirmed that the last message about Nate had been recorded more than a week after he'd disappeared, and it seemed to be more evidence that Nate had survived his ordeal in the channel, but where was he? How do you rush in to save someone when you don't know where he is? All their analysis of the tapes since then had yielded nothing but whale calls. Clay was lost. â€Å"What you doing?† Kona, barefoot and smelling of bleach, came up behind him. â€Å"I'm waiting for the green flash.† He wasn't, really, but sometimes, just as the sun dipped below the horizon, it happened. He needed something to happen. â€Å"Yeah, I seen that. What cause that?† â€Å"Uh, well† – and that was another thing, he didn't have enough of a handle on the natural sciences to keep this whole project going – â€Å"I believe as the sun disappears under the horizon, the residual spectrum bounces off the mucusphere, thus causing the green flash.† â€Å"Yah, mon. The mucusphere.† â€Å"It's science,† said Clay, knowing that it wasn't science. â€Å"When the boat clean, then we going out, record whales and like dat?† Good question, Clay thought. He could collect the data, but he didn't have the knowledge necessary to analyze it. He had hoped that Amy would do that. â€Å"I don't know. If we find Nate, maybe.† â€Å"You think he still living, then? Even after all this time?† â€Å"Yeah. I hope. I guess we should keep up the work until we can find him.† â€Å"Yeah. Nate say them Japanese going to kill our minkes if you don't work hard.† â€Å"Minke whales, yeah. I've been on one of their ships. Norwegians, too.† â€Å"That's some evil fuckery.† â€Å"Maybe. The minke herd is large. They're not endangered. The Japanese and the Norwegians aren't really taking enough of them to hurt the population, so why shouldn't we let them hunt them? I mean, what's the argument for stopping them? Because whales are cute? The Chinese fry kitties – we don't protest them.† â€Å"The Chinese fry kitties?† â€Å"I'm not saying I agree with killing them, but we really don't have a good argument.† â€Å"The Chinese fry kitties?† Kona's voice was getting higher each time he spoke. â€Å"Maybe some of the work we do here can prove that these animals have culture, that they're closer to us than they perceive. Then we'll have an argument.† â€Å"Kitties? Like, little meow kitties? They just fry them?† Clay was musing, watching the sunset and feeling sad and frustrated, and words came out of him like a long, rambling sigh: â€Å"Of course, when I was on the whaling ship, I saw how the Japanese whalers looked at the animals. They see them as fish. No more or less than a tuna. But I was photographing a sperm-whale mother and her calf, and the calf got separated from the pod. The mother came back to get the calf and pushed it away from our Zodiac. The whalers were visibly moved. They recognized that mother/child behavior. It wasn't fish behavior. So it's not a lost cause.† â€Å"Kitties?† Kona sighed, taking on the same tone of resignation that Clay had used. â€Å"Yeah,† said Clay. â€Å"So how we going to find Nate so we can do good work and save them humpies and minkes?† â€Å"Is that what we're doing?† â€Å"No. Not now. Now we just watching for a green flash.† â€Å"I don't know any science, Kona. I made that up, about the green flash.† â€Å"Ah, I didn't know. Science you don't know just looks like magic.† â€Å"I don't believe in magic.† â€Å"Oh, brah, don't say dat. Magic come bite you in the ass for sure. You going to need my help for sure now.† Clay felt some of the weight of his melancholy lift by sharing a moment with the surfer, but his need to act was worrying at him like a flea in the ear. â€Å"Let's take a drive up-country, Kona.† â€Å"They really fry kitties in China?† Kona said, his voice so high now that dogs living around the harbor winced. â€Å"Amy, what, how – what?† The lights had come up, and Nate could see that it was Amy in his bed. It was a lot of Amy that he hadn't seen before. â€Å"They took me, Nate. Just like you. A few days later. It was horrible. Quick, hold me.† â€Å"A whale ship ate you, too?† â€Å"Yes, just like you. Hold me, I'm so afraid.† â€Å"And they brought you all the way here?† â€Å"Yes, just like you, only it's worse for a dame. I feel†¦ so†¦ so naked. Hold me.† † ‘Dame'? No one says ‘dame' anymore.† â€Å"Well, African-American, then.† â€Å"You are not African-American.† â€Å"I can't remember all the politically correct terms. Christ, Nate, what do you need, a diagram? Crawl in.† Amy flapped the covers, threw them back, then struck a cheesecake pose, grinning. But Nate backed away. â€Å"You put your head in the water to listen for the whale. The only other person I ever saw do that was Ryder.† â€Å"Look at my tan line, Nate.† She danced her fingertips over her tan line, which to Nate looked more like a beige line. Nevertheless, she had his attention. â€Å"I've never had a tan line before.† â€Å"Amy!† â€Å"What!† â€Å"You set me up!† â€Å"I'm naked over here. Haven't you thought about that?† â€Å"Yes, but –  » â€Å"Ha! You admit it. I was your research assistant. You had firing power over me. Yet there you are, thinking about me naked.† â€Å"You are naked.† â€Å"Ha! I think I've made my point.† â€Å"That ‘ha' thing is unprofessional, Amy.† â€Å"Don't care. I no longer work for you, and you are not the boss of me anymore, and furthermore, look at this butt.† She rolled over. He did. She looked back over her shoulder and grinned. â€Å"Ha!† â€Å"Stop that.† He looked at the wall. â€Å"You spied on me. You caused all this to happen.† â€Å"Don't be ridiculous. I was just part of it, but all that is forgiven. Look how luscious I am.† Amy did a presentation wave over herself, as if Nate had just won her in a game show. â€Å"Would you stop that?† Nate reached over and pulled the covers up to her chin. â€Å"Lus-cious,† she said, pulling the covers down, revealing a breast with each syllable. Nate walked out of the room. â€Å"Put on some clothes and come out here. I'm not going to try to talk to you like that.† â€Å"Fine, don't talk,† she called after him. â€Å"Just crawl in.† â€Å"You're just bait,† he called from the kitchen. â€Å"Hey, buster, I'm not that young.† â€Å"This conversation is over until you come out here fully dressed.† Nate sat down at his little dining table and tried to will away his erection. â€Å"What are you, some kind of fruitcake, some kind of sissy boy, some kind of fairy, huh?† â€Å"Yes, that's it,† Nate said. For a moment nothing but quiet from the bedroom. Then: â€Å"Oh, my God, I feel like such a maroon.† Her voice was softer now. She came stumbling out of the bedroom, the sheet wrapped around her. â€Å"I'm really sorry, Nate. I had no idea. You seemed so interested. I wouldn't have –  » â€Å"Ha!† Nate said. â€Å"See how it feels.† The Old Broad had given them iced ginger tea and set Kona up at one of her telescopes to look at the moon. She sat down next to Clay on the lanai and they listened to the night for a while. â€Å"It's nice up here,† Clay said. â€Å"I don't think I've been up here at night before.† â€Å"Clay, I'm usually in bed by now, so I hope you don't think me dense if I get things clear in my mind.† â€Å"Of course not, Elizabeth.† â€Å"Thank you. As I see it, for years you and Nate have been telling everyone that I'm a nut job because I said I could communicate with whales. Now you drive up here in a froth – in the middle of the night – to deliver the earth-shattering news that what I've been telling you all along is possible?† She leaned her chin on her fist and looked wide-eyed at Clay. â€Å"That about right?† â€Å"We never called you a nut job, Elizabeth,† Clay said. â€Å"That's an overstatement.† â€Å"Doesn't matter, Clay. I'm not mad.† She sipped her tea. â€Å"And I'm not angry either. I've been in these islands a very long time, Clay, and I've lived on the side of this volcano for most of it. I've spent more time looking down on that channel than most people have spent on the planet, but not once did you or Nate ask me why. Didn't want to look a gift horse in the mouth, I guess. Easier to think I was just a few bananas short of a bunch than to ask me why I was interested.† Clay felt sweat running down the small of his back. He'd been uncomfortable around the Old Broad before, but in a totally different way – the way one feels when a matron aunt pinches your cheek and starts to ramble inanely about the old days, not like this. This was like getting sandbagged by a prosecutor. â€Å"I don't think that Nate or I could answer that question, Elizabeth, so it's not out of order that we didn't ask you.† â€Å"That's a load a shark balls, old Auntie,† Kona said, not looking away from the eyepiece of the eight-inch mirror telescope. â€Å"He's a sweet boy,† the Old Broad said. â€Å"Clay, you know that Mr. Robinson was in the navy. Did I ever tell you what it was that he did?† â€Å"No, ma'am, I just assumed he was an officer.† â€Å"I can understand how you might think that, but all the money came from my family. No, sweetheart, he was a noncom, a chief petty officer, a sonar man. In fact, I'm told he was the best sonar man in the navy at the time.† â€Å"I'm sure he was, Elizabeth, but – ; â€Å"Shut up, Clay. You came here for help, I'm helping you.† â€Å"Yes, ma'am.† Clay shut up. â€Å"James – that was Mr. Robinson's first name – he loved to listen to the humpbacks. He said they made his job a damn sight harder, but he loved them. We were stationed in Honolulu then, but submarine crews were on and off on hundred-day duty shifts, so when he would have time in port, we would come over to Maui, rent a boat, and go out in the channel. He wanted me to be part of the world he lived in all the time – the world of sound under the sea. You can understand that, can't you, Clay?† â€Å"Of course.† But Clay was getting a not-so-good feeling about this trip down memory lane. He had things he needed to know, but he wasn't sure that this was part of them. â€Å"That's when I bought Papa Lani with some of my father's money. We thought we'd live there full-time eventually, maybe turn it into a hotel. Anyway, one day James and I decided to rent a little powerboat and camp on the ocean side of Lanai. It was a calm day and an easy trip. On our way over, a big humpback came up beside the boat. It even seemed to change course when we did. James slowed down so we could stay with our new friend. There were no rules then about getting close to the whales like there are now. We didn't even know we were supposed to save them back then, but James loved the humpbacks, and I had come to as well. â€Å"There was no one but the pineapple-company workers on Lanai at that time, so we found a deserted beach where we thought we'd build a fire, cook some dinner, drink highballs from tin cups, swim naked, and†¦ you know, make love on the beach. See there, I've shocked you.† â€Å"No you haven't,† said Clay. â€Å"Yes I have. I'm sorry.† â€Å"No you haven't. Really, I'm fine, tell the story.† Old ladies, he thought. â€Å"When the trade winds came up that evening, we pitched the tent a little ways off the beach in a small canyon sheltered from the wind. Well, I gave James my best hummer, and he fell asleep right away.† Clay choked on his iced tea. â€Å"Oh, my dear, did an ice cube go down the wrong pipe? Kona, come here and Heimlich Clay, dear.† â€Å"No, I'm fine.† Clay waved the surfer away. â€Å"Really, I'm okay.† Tears streamed down his cheeks, and he wiped his nose on his shirttail. He was suddenly incredibly grateful he hadn't brought Clair. â€Å"Just need to catch my breath.† Kona sat down cross-legged at their feet, having suddenly found that he was interested in history. â€Å"Go ahead, old Auntie.† â€Å"Well, I got a little bit of a headache. So I decided to go back to the boat to get an aspirin from the first-aid kit. Come to think of it, it must have been from the tension in my neck. I always got a crick in my neck when I did that, but James loved it so.† â€Å"Jesus, Elizabeth, would you get on with the story,† Clay said. â€Å"I'm sorry, dear, I've shocked you, haven't I?† â€Å"No, I'm fine. I'm just curious to find out what happened.† â€Å"Well, as long as I didn't shock you. I suppose I should be more discreet in front of the boy, but it is part of the story.† â€Å"No, please. What happened on the beach?† â€Å"You know, we could fuck like mad monkeys, all night long, and it never gave me a headache, but one –  » â€Å"The beach, please.† â€Å"When I got to the beach, there were two men near the boat. It looked like they were doing something to the engine. I ducked behind a rock before they saw me. I watched them in the moonlight, a short one and the tall one. The tall one seemed to be wearing some sort of helmet or diving suit. But then the short one said something, and the tall one started laughing – snickering, really – and I saw his face in the moonlight. It wasn't a helmet, Clay. It was a face – a smooth, shiny face, with a jaw full of teeth. I could see the teeth even from where I was. It wasn't human, Clay. â€Å"Well, I went back and woke James, told him he had to come see. I took him back to my hiding place. The two men, or the man and that thing were still there, but behind them, right there almost on the beach, was also a humpback, a big one. The water couldn't have been ten feet deep where he was, yet he was sitting there calm as could be. â€Å"Well, all James saw was the two men messing with our boat. We had drunk quite a few cocktails, I guess, and James had his big, strong man act to do. He told me to stay where I was and not to move for anything. Then he went after them – shouting at the top of his lungs for them to get away. The tall one, the nonhuman thing, dove under the water right away, but the man looked around like he'd been trapped. He started wading out toward the whale, and James went right in after him. Then, at last, James saw the whale. He just stopped there in the surf and looked. That's when the thing came up out of the water behind him. Suddenly it was just there, looming behind James. I wanted to yell, but I was so afraid. The thing, it hit James with something, maybe a rock, and he fell forward into the water. Then I screamed for all I was worth, but I'm not sure they even heard me over the noise of the wind and the surf. â€Å"The man took one of James's arms, the thing the other, and they swam to the whale with James in tow. Then, Clay, as crazy as this sounds, this is what happened: That whale rolled over, and they stuffed James into it, back by the genital slit, I think. Then they both crawled into it as well. Then the whale kicked its tail until it was in deeper water and swam away. I never saw my husband again.† The Old Broad took Clay's hand and squeezed it. â€Å"I swear to you, that's how it happened, Clay.† Clay didn't know what to say. Over the years she'd said a lot of crazy-sounding stuff, but this was the mother of all crazy stuff. Yet she was more serious than he'd ever seen her. It didn't matter what he believed – there was only one thing to say to her. â€Å"I believe you, Elizabeth.† â€Å"That's why, Clay. That's why I've helped finance you over the years, it's why I've watched the channel all these years, it's why I own two acres right near the water, yet I've lived up-country for all these years.† â€Å"I don't understand, Elizabeth.† â€Å"They came back, Clay. That night the whale came back, and the thing came back to the beach, but I hid. They came back for me. The next day I didn't even go back to the boat. I hiked my way to the pineapple plantation and got help there. They brought me back to Lahaina on one of their big freighters. I haven't been on the water since. The closest I ever go near the water is when there's an event at the sanctuary, and then there are a lot of people around.† Clay thought about the Japanese soldier they'd found on a Pacific island who'd been hiding from the Americans for twenty years after the war was over. Elizabeth Robinson had obviously been hiding from something that wasn't looking for her. â€Å"Didn't you tell anyone? Surely the navy would have wanted to find out what happened to one of their best sonar men.† â€Å"They asked. I told them. They dismissed it. They said James went swimming at night, he drowned, and I was drunk. They sent some men over there, and so did the Maui police. They found the boat, still on the beach, with everything in working order. They found our camp, and they found an empty bottle of rum. That was the end of it.† â€Å"Why didn't you ever tell me? Or Nate?† â€Å"I wanted you to keep doing the work that you do. Meanwhile, I kept watching. I read all the scientific journals, too, you know. I look for anything that might make sense of it. Come with me.† She got up and went into her house, Clay and Kona following without a word. In the bedroom she opened a cedar chest and took out a large scrapbook. She laid it on the bed and flipped it open to the last page. It was Nate's obituary. â€Å"Nathan was one of the best in the field, and that little girl said that a whale ate him. Then she disappeared at sea.† She flipped a page. â€Å"Twelve years ago this Dr. Gerard Ryder disappeared at sea, also studying whale calls at the time, although blue whales.† She flipped another page. â€Å"This fellow, a Russian sonar expert who defected to England, disappeared off Cornwall in 1973. They said it was probably KGB.† â€Å"Well, it probably was KGB. I'm sorry, Elizabeth, but each of these incidents seems to have a perfectly normal explanation, and they happen over such a long period of time in different places. I don't see what the connection is.† â€Å"It's underwater sound, Clay. And they're not normal. All these men, including my James, were experts at listening to the ocean.† â€Å"Even so, are you saying that someone has trained whales? That creatures have been abducting sonar guys and shoving them up whales' bums?† â€Å"Don't be crude, Clay. You came to me because you wanted help, I'm trying to give it to you. I don't know who they are, but what you've told me about there being language hidden in the whale song – it just confirms in my mind that they took Nate, and James, and all these other people. That's all I know. I'm telling you that I'm sure that Nate is alive, too. It's another piece to the puzzle.† Clay sat down on the bed next to the scrapbook. There were articles from scientific journals on cetacean biology, on underwater acoustics, news items about whale strandings, some that didn't seem connected at all. It was the search path of someone who didn't know what she was looking for. He'd gone so long thinking of her as crazy that he'd never given her credit for how knowledgeable she really was. He was realizing only now what had been driving her. He felt like a shit. â€Å"Elizabeth, what about the call about the sandwich? What about the crystals and the whales talking to you – all of that? I don't understand.† â€Å"I did get the call, Clay. And as for the other, I have dreams of the whales talking to me, and I pay attention to them. Fifty years of searching, I take clues where I can get them. Given what I was looking for, I thought magic and divination as valid a method as any tool in the search.† â€Å"See,† Kona said, â€Å"I told you. Science you don't know? Magic.† â€Å"I guess I was casting my faith around carelessly, I just hope I didn't do something awful.† â€Å"Nah, old Auntie, Jah's love on ye anyway, even if you're trampin' around your faith like a ho.† â€Å"Kona, shut up,† Clay said. â€Å"What do you mean, you might have done something awful, Elizabeth?† She picked up the scrapbook, closed it, then sat down on the bed next to Clay and hung her head. A tear dripped down onto the black pasteboard cover of the book. â€Å"When the call came, and the whale said that he wanted a pastrami on rye, I recognized the voice, Clay. I recognized the voice, and I insisted Nathan go out there and take the sandwich with him.† â€Å"It was probably a prank, Elizabeth, someone you've met. Nate was going out that day anyway. You didn't cause this.† â€Å"No, you don't understand, Clay. Pastrami on rye was my James's favorite. I always had one waiting for him when he came in from submarine duty. The voice on the phone was my James.†

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Justification for an Internal Control System

Over the past years many organizations have fallen because of inadequate financial reporting and ineffective controls. To overcome this dilemma, the creation of the Sarbanes Oxley Act (SOX) of 2002 requires corporations to take full control over its financial reporting and accounting by placing internal controls within its organization. Internal controls not only establish the foundation of reasonable assurance for meeting company objectives but also provide functions in achieving other objectives. These objectives are operational effectiveness and efficiency, relevant and reliable financial data, and verify law and regulation compliance. As a controller of this company one believes that internal controls are important for these areas to be successful. Although this business uses the insurance and portfolio approaches as controls to manage the association of risks with activities, one believes an internal control system would be more beneficial for this company. Current Approaches Insurance Approach Insurance is not as large as it can be for a company because it is a way of looking at the risk along with knowing that an acceptance of loss is present for a company. Companies basically carry insurance policies to prevent and cover large liabilities from natural disasters or accidents. Under this approach management is stating an acceptance of a loss is present for a company when insuring the company, assets, or its employees. For a company using this approach protection is the only gain in knowing the company has insurance to make a claim to replace or receive monies for the loss (McCarthy & Flynn, 2004, p. 75). However, the insurance approach is more of a tool for risk financing than a tool for risk management. This is because this approach is reactive in mitigating the impact of a loss rather than preventive in protecting the company from a loss. This approach can be beneficial for the company if a company can find affordable insurance with deductibles the company feels comfortable with. This is because the company would only be responsible for paying the deductible and the insurance company would pay the rest in the event of a catastrophic disaster. Portfolio Approach Unlike, the insurance approach the portfolio approach has more structure and complexity. This is because during the process of decision-making it gives more procedures and processes in making a decision (Thomas, 2002, para. 23). The main idea behind this approach is to maximize investments of a company while minimizing the risks of the company. Even though this approach organizes to an extent the decision-making process it does not provide protection assurance for the investment against risk. The portfolio approach is beneficial for a company when the company wants to measure the type of risk it wants to take on along with the likelihood of making a positive return on that risk. Internal Control System To an organization a vital component to risk management procedures is a reliable internal control system. This system helps regulate, reduce lost, and minimize risks along with accomplishing the organizational goals and success of a company (McCarthy & Flynn, 2004, p. 249). Benefits of an Internal Control System Generally the insurance approach is necessary for a company to overcome the risk of a loss. The portfolio approach is an effective approach but is more reactive than preventive. Even though a business may have insurance and portfolio approaches in place these approaches are not efficient and cost-effective enough to protect the company from risks like an internal control system can. Internal control systems are unlike the insurance and portfolio approaches because these systems are proactive tools in risk management. This type of system ensures the protection of company assets through a system of policies and procedures. In addition, this system establishes reliability in financial data along with establishes compliance with laws and regulations set forth from regulations like the SOX Act. These types of systems also help to improve internal and external communication processes within a company. Recommendation As a controller of this company, one recommends that management incorporates an internal control system into the company. This is because this system will be more beneficial to the company in the long-run than the current approaches the company already has in place. One believes an internal control system will help protect the company from uncertainties as well as ensuring the company is operating in proper accordance with its mission and goals. Justification for an Internal Control System The internal control system has been used since the company was in need of the system and until this day it has been working to its fullest potential. Internal control plays an important key in making sure that the accounting information, financial data, meeting the targets, and ensuring that the management policies are getting followed. There are two elements in making an internal control system successful. These elements are portfolio approaches and insurance. Even though they both help the internal controls, they are somewhat different.Portfolio approach is used in different ways, this helps make investments decisions easier. It also balances the risk against the routine of the company. When discussing portfolio management it is known that there are two types of management: active and passive. Active management can be only one manager or a team but regardless if it one or more. They all have the same idea in mind, which is to get a better market return and they do this by constant ly checking the funds portfolio. A passive management just checks the market index; it does not necessarily say that the passive management is less capable of doing its job.â€Å"Every company's risk management â€Å"solution† will be unique because the exposures and risk appetites all differ. The key is to have a reasonable under-standing of how each treatment option works, alone, and in combination with others, so that decisions are informed and results are less influenced by luck than by reason (McCarthy, Flynn, & Brownstein, 2004). The appetite for risk will always depend on the management team. We will need to understand every risk and think of the options before continuing. A great return is always good but a big loss will hurt more.Insurance is another element that was put in place with the internal controls. Insurance will protect the company in case of an error occurs. There can always be risks in a company, but it is the way we handle them, what is important. When they add insurance it is for a peace of mind, a company wants to be cover in case something did happen. Weather risks can happen anytime and any day. It can be challenging thinking best option for the business. Due to the fact that no one can know what will happen tomorrow but is it better to be protected. As the controller some of the aspects to look into is what do we need.There hasn’t been a tornado in this area for more than 50 years, the question to think is, and do we need tornado insurance? The company was built once but if a risk strikes, it would be really hard to restart the company without developing a financial plan. The company will continue to grow every day, and we need to keep that in mind with the insurance. When the insurance was first put in place, the management team covers everything they thought was needed. However, we may not need certain things that are currently been covered by the insurance. That is why it is very important to do a six month or even a year checkup on the insurance plan.As the controller of the company there are tasks to be completed such as compliance, reporting, budgets, analyzing, and goals. The internal controls help the company and especially the controller achieve all these tasks and stay up-to-date with them. Having internal controls can prevent any losses due to fraud and minimize the loss in assets. It also helps with everyday business activities and what to do in a situation in which a risk is encounter. For the previous reasons that were discuss the company’s success will be much better off having the internal controls with a combination of insurance and portfolio approaches.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Managing the Digital Enterprise Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Managing the Digital Enterprise - Essay Example From this definition, information system is an arrangement of data, technology, processes, and groups that function together to collect, provide, store, and process information output required to improve and increase the speed of the decision making process. In the past decade, various organizations have began utilizing computer technology to facilitate the provision of services and the process of adoption is expected to increase at a higher rate as technology advances (Hamdan and Jalal-Karim 2010, p1). This paper focuses on the impact of modern digital technologies on the banking sector with a bias toward electronic banking. 1.2 Banking Activities and Developments in IT All aspects of the banking activity are influenced and continue to be influenced by the development of information transmission, distribution, processing, storage, and collection. Developments in information technology affect the banking industry in two ways. Firstly, the information technology contributes in the dec rease of the costs linked with information management (information is managed by means such as processing, transmission, collection, and storage) through the replacement of labour-intensive and paper-based methods with processes that are automated. Secondly and lastly, information technology modifies the ways through which the consumers access the bank’s products and services, for instance, through automated channels such as remote banking. Developments in information management have been occurring for a considerable length of time but remote banking (the latest phenomenon in the banking industry) developments are occurring more gradually especially within retail banking (European Central Bank 1999, p5). Business model can be utilized to describe the main components of any banking business. In regard to the differentiation of the bricks-and-mortar banking from e-banking, there are five crucial dimensions of the business model and they include market scope, profit potential, v alue network, cost structure, and value proposition. Since consumers are capable of electronic banking over the internet regardless of the time and location, electronic banking eradicates time limitations, and physical and geographic boundaries linked with bricks-and-mortar banking. Electronic banking also offers consumers with efficient online financial services (the services are offered at high speed and they are time saving). Additionally, through the internet, the consumers are able to access numerous information and services (Heng, Hsia, and Wu 2006, p115). 1.2.1 Electronic banking and its value The convenience resulting from electronic banking has three considerable impacts. Firstly, it may lead to information symmetry where the consumers can access more information than through the bank; the consumers may opt to avoid the bank for services provided through alternative parties (SCN Education

Thursday, September 26, 2019

See attachment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

See attachment - Essay Example In this case, the African Americans used their different ideologies, as power. They therefore, promoted their ideologies, which included their beliefs and values that helped them make sense of the world, in the midst of domineering ideologies of the European. They mainly were able to embrace their ideologies, when they resisted most of the ideologies of the colonial masters, which were imposed on them. The African-American slaves utilized their material culture as a source of their power, and independence, and used this to shape their lives according to their preferences. To counteract the ideological power of the African-American slaves, the planters too used ideology as a way of covering up their exploitations of the slaves and blinding the African-Americans on the evils of slavery. They therefore, did this through different attempts to gain control over the material culture of the slaves. Instead of the slaves using their material culture, the planters offered them â€Å"nicerâ⠂¬  clothing, housing, and food. However, most of the slaves did not accept the material culture of their planters, but preferred their own. They therefore, used their own material culture as a source of their â€Å"dominance† and power (Ferguson 118-9). Therefore, by â€Å"ideological power†, Ferguson referred to the culture of the African-Americans, since they based on this to resist the exploitations and injustices of slavery. African-Americans were under slavery for many years, as the whites had more dominion over them. The whites were more developed, with an advanced culture and education, compared to Africans. Therefore, it was least expected that the African-Americans would get powerful to the extent of breaking free from slavery. The African-Americans had no powerful weapons to engage in a war with the whites, in pursuit of their liberation. African-Americans only had their culture at their disposal. Therefore, these used their distinct culture as a shield fro m most of the exploitations from their ‘masters.’ The African-American culture was stronger than the American culture, since this combined both the indigenous African culture and some aspects of the American culture, which was acquired through the interaction of the blacks with the whites (Ferguson 58-9). Some archaeological examples of African-American ideological power in colonial America examined in Uncommon Ground. The ideological power of the African-American slaves mainly lay in their material culture. This form of ideological power helped African-Americans to resist the oppression of the white masters. This also served as a basis for resistance for the inequalities and exploitations by the white masters. This ideological power of the African-Americans mainly linked their social meanings with power. Therefore, the archaeological research by Ferguson is essential in tracing the distribution of material culture and establishing the different ways through which the a doption of these by the African-Americans played the role of resistance to the white oppression and exploitation. By refusing to embrace the material culture of the whites, the African-Americans wanted to maintain their cultural and social identity, thus avoiding assimilation by the American culture. There is different archaeological evidence provided by Ferguson that reveals the African-American ideological power during slavery. However, all these lay in the cultural aspects of the African-Am

Issues in EU from Swedish perspective Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Issues in EU from Swedish perspective - Essay Example Hence Sweden had brought about Skr, 2002-03 providing equal amount of opportunity in order to formulate skills which are not stereotyped in gender terms. (Gender - Sensitive and women friendly public policies -Sweden: Analysis of Policy Context and Policies) During the presidency of the European Union, Sweden claims that top priority is given to gender equality and implemented the EU policy for greater equality between women and men. (Sweden carried EU gender equality work forward) Open Method of Co-ordination -- OMC has also been an important issue which is being promoted by the European Union and its implementation is being significantly emphasized among the member nations. Due to the activities of the European Union, Sweden has brought about various reform processes focused on mobilizing the labor, re-modeling the social benefits as well as the pensions schemes. With regard to the employment arena also, Sweden turned its efforts towards enhancing the work incentives for some of the groups in a number of ways in order to better the social partnerships at the national level and hence minimize the gender gaps in terms of employment and pay scales. In order to promote the European Union policies as well as to satisfy the particular forms of recommendations of the commission, Sweden depended on the national culture and traditions, yet leads to an active work-oriented approach. (European Policy Co-ordination and the OMC) As a measure of the economic unification within Europe, an agreement which is called Treaty on European Union was being entered upon calling for the formation of economic and monetary union -- EMU as well as a common unit of exchange and also for the purpose of setting up the criterion for the level of participation in EMU. Thus, the European Union has created a common currency called as the Euro, firstly in the 12 member nations and further extended to other members also. Sweden delayed joining of the EMU along with the other member countries such as Britain, Denmark, as a result of the concern of the loss of national Sovereignty. Sweden is extremely open towards international trade, exports as well as imports amounting to two-thirds of GDP with half of the trade within the Euro-zone. Thus, Sweden believes that on joining the EMU, Sweden's trade with the Euro-zone would rise to over fifty percent resulting in considerable boost to the Swedish output as well as welfare. (EMU and Swe dish Trade) The basic underlying goal of the European Union with regard to the economic and social cohesion is being stated in the Treaty of Amsterdam. Within this treaty the community states its will in order to formulate and to carry forward the actions in order to strengthen the economic as well as social cohesion as an effort to promote the complete harmonious growth as well as minimize disparities among the various arenas of progress of the various regions. In the year 1995, Sweden had got a resolution being adopted unanimously for

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Ethics and corporate responsiblity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Ethics and corporate responsiblity - Essay Example This is because, the subjection of employees to unpleasant working conditions serves to lower their morale, while at the same time exposing them to dangers, hazards and risks associated with the workplace, which in turn lowers the productivity of the workers, due to injuries, illnesses and intolerable working conditions. The Colberia’s indigenous population is subjected to intolerable working conditions, where the natives have to walk five (5) miles into and out of the jungle to harvest plants that are used in the manufacturing of the drugs by the CompCARE pharmacy, often carrying baskets that weigh up to fifty (50) pounds, when full, yet the indigenous workers are only paid $1 a day. The subjection of the indigenous population to such harsh working conditions, while still paying them the meager pay is unethical on the part of PharmaCARE. Further, the living conditions of the Colberia’s indigenous population is pathetic, while compared to the living standards of the PharmaCARE executives, with the natives living in primitive huts that have neither running water nor electricity. In contrast, the company’s executives live in a luxury compound that has luxurious facilities such as golf course, swimming pool and tennis courts. Similarly, the company’s rank-and-file workers are subjected to hazardous working conditions, where they are exposed to toxins and other pollutants that have affected their health drastically, causing most of them to fall ill and thus lose most of their productive working time to sick leaves. Further, the company has failed to take responsibility over the illness of the workers,and is instead threatening to sack the workers who have raised concern over the non-conducive working conditions they are exposed to. Thus, the PharmaCARE’s treatment of the Colberia’s indigenous population and its rank-and-file workers versus that of its executives is inequitable,

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

PERSONAL PERSPECTIVE PAPER Term Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

PERSONAL PERSPECTIVE - Term Paper Example In the book entitled ABC’s of the Human Mind, it was revealed that â€Å"although some philosophers have cast emotions as villains that represent what is most irrational and animal in human nature, there is a strong argument for crediting the emotions with all that is worthy and wonderful about human life† (ABC’s, 1990, 168). In this regard, the objective of the essay is to describe what one hopes to gain from the course, after reading the assigned references, and how it is believed that one may be able to use the course content in one’s daily life. What One Hopes to Gain from the Course Daniel Goleman’s book entitled Emotional Intelligence proffered some insights on the part of the brain that controls emotions, and the nature and application of emotional intelligence, among others. The assigned readings discussed relevant issues on how to bring intelligence to emotions. By discussing what emotions are for, one is given the preview of determining th e role of emotions in people’s lives. I shared Goleman’s experiences of having encountered people, either directly or indirectly, whose lives were drastically transformed due to uncontrolled emotions. I believe emotions of anger are the most destructive when expressed irresponsibly and violently. It is my firmest hope that the course would provide ample opportunities to learn strategies and lessons for taming anger and other vicious emotions, such as jealousy, shame, or fear. It would also be interesting to find out if emotions are almost always manifested and expressed in a universal manner – meaning, do expressions vary from one culture to another? And how come women seem to be more comfortable with expressing their emotions than men? I was moved when I read Goleman’s prelude under Aristotle’s Challenge, to wit: â€Å"those who are at the mercy of impulse – who lack self-control – suffer a moral deficiency. The ability to control i mpulse is the base of will and character† (Goleman, 1997, xii). Accordingly, there is some ecstatic expectation to learn the rudiments of better and more effective self-control, not on a personal basis, but to share the rudiments to those in need. As one gets to observe contemporary generation’s emotional outbursts, I believe there is extreme need to focus on self-restraint and self-discipline. The problems of vices: alcohols, cigarettes, drugs, are manifestations of emotions run astray. The question that challenges us, as averred by Goleman was: â€Å"What can we change to help our children fare better in life?† (ibid, xi – xii). I hope to gain lessons, insights, guidance to direct me into transforming lives through teaching intelligence to our emotions. Applications of the Course The holistic development of a person lies not only in honing intellectual skills, knowledge and abilities on various endeavors, but more so, in learning emotional restraint and compassion. People’s lives are almost always an interplay of actions and thoughts that provoke emotions. The course would be beneficial in providing guidance to appropriate behavior. Again, as revealed by Goleman when he cited Aristotle, it takes a rare skill â€Å"to be angry with the right person, to the right degree, at the right time, for the right purpose, and in the right way† (ibid, xiii). I hope by the time I finish the course, I would possess this rare skill. I see applications of emotional intelligence in various scenarios and settings where people interact. In academic institutions where professors and

Monday, September 23, 2019

The Black Box Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Black Box - Essay Example The symbols she uses indirectly communicate the major theme of the work, in addition to the seemingly innocuous dialogue of the seemingly innocuous lottery happening in the town. One of the more potent symbols Jackson uses throughout her story is the black box, and, more generally, just the color black. Black, as it is traditionally interpreted, stands for death, decay, ignorance, and decline. The black box, of course, holds the lottery slips. While a similar ballot box would receive slips from voters in an election, this box only gives out slips, showing the lack of individual choice and freedom in this ritual. The blackness of the box gives off an ominous foreshadowing of events, and is itself a symbolic description of how the townspeople have sacrifice their individual wills to the social decree., as Jackson writes, â€Å"The black box grew shabbier each year: by now it was no longer completely black but splintered badly along one side to show the original wood color, and in some places faded or stained†. The keen reader recognizes that the box’s decay indicates not only the physical corrosion of the box but of the social and moral corrosion of what it represents: the lottery. As the process accelerates during the course of â€Å"The Lottery†, Jackson writes that the townspeople stay as far away from the box as possible. Once again, this description is clearly relating to physical distance; but it may also refer to the concept of responsibility, and the moral qualms people have about participating in the lottery. The townspeople avoid the black box as if it were some kind of evil spirit, and because of this endow the box with such great power. Jackson writes, â€Å"The villagers kept their distance, leaving a space between themselves and the stool†¦Ã¢â‚¬  What otherwise would be just some old dilapidated box is, as a result of the social order and status quo, is an

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Adidas is one of the famous company in sporting items industry Essay Example for Free

Adidas is one of the famous company in sporting items industry Essay Introduction Adidas manager is requiring me to create and design a training program which will improve and develop their graduate employee existing skills. This report is going to target to non-graduate or college student and giving them chances to join this training program. This program is going to help trainee do their function in sporting industry Adidas Aim They are trying to build the relationship with their employee via passion, diversity. Adidas may find an excellent balance between life and work of the employee and more than that they provide an essential need for their employee such as food, drink, work benefit to encourage them which will increase business productivity Adidas Human Resource Strategy Adidas is one of the famous company in sporting items industry. At the moment Adidas are doing staff recruitment for their store which across all over the world and especially in the UK. In a past few year Adidas Human Resources Department decided to do Functional Training Program (FTP) in short- period time which giving opportunity for graduate student to get foundation and great educational qualification before for they start to become a functional professional career inside Adidas group also co-operate with internship and apprenticeships for non-graduate and student who want to work for Adidas company straight after school. We have developed on National Vocational Qualification that will contribute to the business and individual need. According to Olin and Tucker (1997) state that â€Å"National Vocational Qualification government and organisation figure out NVQ training program will develop specific profile of ability and basic knowledge of employee at any level which associated vocational area† NVQ training program focus on particular business industry or sector, it will help Adidas group to find the right employee for specific role in the sporting industry Demonstrate NVQ contribution to Adidas NVQ will also comfort organization or company decrease company cost, increase the competiveness and company productivity. Adidas group found putting resourcing in staff will change in work environment spirit and staff inspiration, much easier to recruitment staff and enhance communication in workplace. It will also make Adidas group look more professional and stand out compare to another business. In another way, NVQ are enabled to help Adidas proof to the world that business hired staff or employee has reach minimum standard quality. NVQ to individual needs NVQ programme provides the portfolio for learner or employee which help learner or employee able to learn-practical or work- the related task which helps them to develop their skills and knowledge to do a job more effectively. National Vocational training program intended to develop employee existing skills and that will improve business performance, NVQ is going to evaluate the staff able to carry out their job as indicated a set of rule in an organization, which rely on work performance. Adidas can adapt NVQ training program to improve their standard via examination. Main body NVQ training program overall design 164465275336000It has a variety of ways to get NVQ: succeeding a normal training program, blend of casual and informal or starting to have a learning approaches or just based on the past capability. NVQ framework are design to testing learner capacities in the working environment. To achieve a NVQs qualification the employee or learner have to demonstrate that there can do certain task which related to the roles or area that they apply to the company or business. NVQs training program are going to do the evaluation in a blend of courses by portfolios are going to confirm and proof that what you have done in training program and perception, an assessor will check and may give reference to the company that you can do the task that related to the business. Following by Malcom (1996) â€Å"NVQs framework system made as capability are created, course are movement and exchange are distinguished. Framework task is to provide a reasonable sorting for NVQs and facilities delivery and progres sion both external and internal of competence† NVQ are design for adult and young people who want to improve their skills to increase their work performance which will lead to build up business productivity. NVQ are set level for the learner from level 1 to level 5, in lowest level are going to aim at company operation and highest level for manager position. NVQ are suitable for people are working are in college and having a part- time job are at school are fulfilled apprenticeship NVQs training program delivery strategy Focus on employee and trainee ought to acclimate themselves with structure, substance and evaluation requirement of certificate previously planning a training program course NVQs training program is delivery to any trainee or learner in many ways which Meets the learner and trainee need and capabilities Pleased acquired qualification NVQs is going to provide to learner and trainee the other skills that not a part of the qualification but will help them improve the existing skills Literacy / language / numeracy Critical thinking and personal learning Individual and social advancement Employability Where pertinent, this could include empowering the possibility to get to applicable capabilities covering these abilities. 1651004191000 With these detail in overall design and delivery training of NVQs. This program will bring benefit to the Adidas group. This will include manage time to teaching so not spend much time or little time on teaching. If too much teaching due to costly and the material which delivery to training or learner can be confusing. Spend little time on training will not improve and maximise trainee skills. More over this training program is classify trainee or student what their aim in training and link back to business role they apply for. In addition, NVQs training program is measuring the employee and trainee by knowledge, attitude and skills. It’s going to be connect between organisation and employee. Moreover, Jim and Roger (2009) suggested that â€Å"Training program is providing individual chance to perform their task more effectively and it will help an organisation get the current target† Finally, NVQs training program may bring benefit to learner and Adidas group by motiva ting, group or personal to inspect current implementations and working environment. NVQs material and exercise support NVQs objective NVQs are cooperate with many practical organisations to become a leader in development skills. They are doing services to training suppliers, employers and learner over an assortment of sector to satisfy the need in workplaces. NVQs certificate or capabilities are estimated by employers all over the world, helping people to build up their talented and capacities for profession career. NVQ Training plan The NVQs is aiming to the employee of Adidas who contributes to the work performed. As, Mayo (2000) â€Å"training plan may have added by Human Resource Department purpose, weigh into the advantages of an individual group in particular organization†. It is including Personal skills: Knowledge/ skill/experience, ability to do the task and what employee will convey to the work from the other part of their social life Personal motivation: desire, goal, work inspiration. Workplace environment: The background of the business, personal respect, free to renovate. Teamwork efficiency: having a same objective and values, helpfulness, communal respect Essential material need in NVQs Assessment and homework to consider becoming the important material in NVQs. It gives speedy and basic methods for checking employee has the right stuff and abilities to work in an exchange. The specialist gets his or her NVQ Level 2 or 3 by a mix of evaluation and works environment preparing, during which time they give confirm they meet the NVQs requirement. Other material, may aid to the learner or trainee to achieve NVQs qualification such as the computer, pen, folder, tablet, video or textbook Example practical organization NVQs is co-operated with City NVQs Logistic Delivery

Saturday, September 21, 2019

US Criminal Justice System Analysis

US Criminal Justice System Analysis The Criminal Justice System (CJS) consists of three elements, the Police, Courts and Corrections. It is no secret that the CJS has been heavily criticized over the years about its overall effectiveness, some skeptics have gone as far as to say the criminal justice system is not a system at all based on its current operation and fragmentation, it is merely a process. A process that involves the decision and actions taken by an institution, offender, victim, or society that influence the offenders movement into, through, or out of the justice system (Peak, 2010, p.5) Some observers contend the justice systems are a network. Steven Cox and John Wade describe the justice system as a television of radio network whose stations share many programs but each station presents programs the network doesnt air on other stations (Peak, 2010, p.7) Others argue that the justice system comprises a criminal justice nonsystem, a system that deal with criminal behavior not always functioning in harmony and is neither efficient enough to create a credible fear of punishment or fair enough to command respect for its values (Peak, 2010, p.8) Police Officers are the first line of defense in this complex organization of the CJS. They have a wide range of responsibilities and layers which includes apprehending criminals, maintaining public order, preventing and detecting crimes. They are also trained in counter-terrorism, surveillance, child protection, VIP protection, and investigation techniques into major crimes such as fraud, rape, murder or drug trafficking. Community-oriented policing and problem solving (COPPS) is the dominant strategy of policies whose approach to crime detection and prevention provides police officers and supervisors with new tools for addressing problems in the communities. The S.A.R.A process (Scanning, Analysis, Response, Assessment) is a necessary tool that provides officers with a logical step-by-step framework to identify, analyze, respond to, and evaluate crime, fear of crime and neighborhood disorder. When used effectively, these tools are essential in combating crimes in the community, and ensuring a cohesive relationship between officers and residents. Some of the most important and challenging positions in our society are those of police administrator, manager, or supervisor. Henry Mintzberg described three main roles of the Police Chief or Sheriff: the interpersonal, informational, and the decision-maker. The Interpersonal has three components: the figurehead who attends ceremonial functions, civic events, swearing-in ceremonies, the leadership motivates and coordinates workers while achieving the mission, goals and needs within the department and community, the liaison interacts with other organizations and coordinates work assignments. The Informational engages in tasks relating to monitoring/inspecting, dissemination, and spokesman duties. The Decision-Maker serves as an entrepreneur, a disturbance handler and a negotiator (Peak, 2010 pp. 89-91). The Chief of Police or Sheriff is at the top of the Police organizational chart, his effectiveness or lack thereof will determine the success or failure of their agency(s). Law enforcement officers have responsibilities that outweigh many of our challenges as a civilian. These responsibilities are often plagued with deeper issues both personal and professional that negatively affect the ability of officers to effectively perform their duties. For example, there have been several incidents involving the use of force and abuse of authority by officers. Profanity is part of police culture, used in everyday speech (Peak, 2010, p.118). Unfortunately these verbal and psychological abuse tactics are used by some police officers. Therefore, if it is used as a means to communicate on a daily basis, it is surely used in a situation to gain control of a situation when dealing with civilians. This form of intimidation is a way of demeaning someones character, making them defensive and exacerbating a smilingly innocent interaction into a chaotic confrontation. As in the incident involving the videotaped beating of Rodney King by several police officers after he was pulled over for a moving violation. Officers claim he resisted arrest, the videotape proved otherwise. This incident prompted the U.S. Supreme Court to make a ruling on the use of force at arrest it must be objectively reasonable in view of all the facts and circumstances of each particular case, including the severity of the crime at issue, whether the suspect poses an immediate threat to the safety of the officers or others, and whether he is actively resisting arrest or attempting to evade arrest by flight (Peak, 2010, p.117). Two reports that followed the Rodney King beatingthe 1991 report of the Independent Commission to Study the Los Angeles Police Department and the 1992 Los Angeles County Sheriffs Report by James G. Kolt and staffquestioned the effectiveness of existing psychological screening to predict propensity for violence (Scrivner, 1994). Agencies require their officers to be objectively reasonable in their use of force and have adopted the definition by the International Association of Chiefs of Police: In determining the necessity for force and appropriate level of force, officers shall evaluate each situation in light of the known circumstances, including, but not limited to, the seriousness of the crime, the level of the threat or resistance presented by the subject, and the danger to the community (Peak, 2010, p.120). The DRRM (Dynamic Resistance Response Model) which combines a use-of-force continuum with the behaviors of suspects was developed to more accurately reflect the intent of the law and the changing expectations of society (Peak, 2010, p.120) Two publicized contagious shooting incidents have plagued officers in the past years. In 1999, Amadou Diallo, a 22 year old West African street vendor was shot 19 times by four undercover New York police officers who mistook him for a serial rapist. In April 2007, three undercover New York Police officers were indicted for the manslaughter and reckless endangerment for killing Sean Bell in a hail of 50 bullets discharged at him and passengers in his vehicle while unarmed. Officers assumed one of the victims had a weapon (Peak, 2010, pp.120-121). The DRRM model was clearly not utilized in these two incidents, assumptions cost the lives of two innocent civilians at the hands of overzealous police officers. Suicide by cop and vehicle pursuits, are incidents that require split second decisions by police officers as it pertains to the public safety of the community but with dangerous and deadly consequences putting innocent bystanders at risk. Biased-based policing or Racial profiling occurs when the police target someone for investigation on the basis of that persons race, national origin, or ethnicity. This practice has become more controversial toward the end of the 20th century as the potential for abuse by law enforcement came to light. Race or color may be a factor to consider during certain police activity but race or color alone is insufficient for making a stop or arrest (Schott, 2001). With the increase in crime and the need for 24 hour round the clock police presence, police officers are dealing with shift work and sleep deprivation. Both issues can have deadly consequences for both the officer and civilians. An officer suffering from sleep deprivation cannot make judgmental decisions when apprehending a suspect; determine the use of force if a suspect resists arrest, vehicle pursuits or firing a weapon. When a person is deprived of sleep, actual changes occur in the brain that cannot be overcome with willpower, caffeine, or nicotine. The decline in vigilance, judgment, and safety in relation to the increase in hours on the job cannot be trivialized. Community perceptions of fatigue-related risk have changed and now are viewed as absolutely unacceptable, as well as preventable. As a consequence, law enforcement professionals face a greater reactive pressure both politically and legally to rethink and implement proactive strategies to reduce fatigue-related inciden ts (Lindsey, 2007). COURTS The courts were established to try the accused, have a jury of their peers determine their fate based on evidence presented by the prosecution and the defense. The judge is the mediator between both parties; he allows or overrules statements, comments and evidence that could prejudice the jurys opinion. Once the evidence and closing statements have been presented on both sides, the judge instructs the jury to deliberate and return with a verdict of guilt or innocence. Most people would agree that the purpose of our courts is to provide a forum for seeking and through the adversarial system of justice obtaining the truth (Peak, 2010, p.187). An Adversarial system is a system of law which relies on the contest between each advocate representing his or her partys positions and involves an impartial person or group of people, usually a jury or judge, trying to determine the truth of the case. There are many layers of the courts that make up its functionality. The U.S. Supreme Court is the highest and one of the oldest courts in the nation formed in 1790. Composed of 9 justices: one chief justice and eight associate justices. They are appointed by the President and serve their terms for life. Each new term of the Supreme Court begins, by statute, on the first Monday in October (Peak, 2010, pp.187-188). There are 94 U.S. district courts, 89 of which are located within the 50 states (Peak, 2010, p.191). There are three methods used to select judges: partisan elections which are concentrated mostly in the southern states, nonpartisan elections are held in the West and upper Midwest, while legislative and executive appointments in the East and merit selection west of the Mississippi (Peak, 2010, p.206). The pros and cons of each selection method are as follows: Partisan elections: Based on the nominees party affiliation. Pro- The candidates success of being nomination is based on the amount of campaign funds and or endorsements by the particular party. Con-The candidate may not be endorsed by his or her party affiliation, resulting in low campaign funds and lack of support. Non-partisan elections- No party affiliation: Pro- Election is fair across the board without any prejudices associated with a party affiliation; candidate can obtain votes from both parties as well as undecided voters. Con- The lack of affiliation may negatively affect the candidates chance of being elected. Legislative elections and executive appointments: Vacancy filled by the Governor. Pro- The selection is not based on voters party affiliations. Con- The appointment is based on the decision of the Governor to fill a vacancy that has occurred Merit selection (Missouri Bar Plan): involves the creation of a nominating commission; composed of lawyers and laypersons. Pro- The committee presents the most qualified lawyers to the Governor, who chooses one person as judge. The Judge stands uncontested before the voters. Cons- The lawyers and laypersons of the committee decision may be compromised by the lack of qualified candidates and or biased opinions of the candidates party affiliation (Peak, 2010, pp.206-207). With many people rotating in and out of the courtrooms, problems will occur. Several issues plaguing the US court systems include, courthouse violence and how to perform a threat assessment, how problem-solving courts are expanding, the dilemma of delay, the concept of how ADR (alternative dispute resolution) is used, media relations and the courts, gender bias, juveniles being treated as adults, shackles in courts, use of cameras in the courtrooms and plea bargaining (Peak, 2010, p. 224). Courthouse violence occurrences are few and far between but one case can spark concern within the community. Non-targeted courthouse violence is described as violence with no pre-existing intent but evolves from a ruling after court proceedings. Targeted courthouse violence is deemed as the opposite, intent to cause harm and often creates plans to circumvent security measures (Peak, 2010, p.226). In 2004 and early 2005, the Maricopa County Superior Court reevaluated its security policies and put in place, through Administrative Order No. 2004-031, a new policy to tighten court security, which was vigorously opposed by some. This article discusses how a court views court security in terms of the interest groups affected and how they may hinder or help court security, the range and depth of issues encompassed by court security, and, finally, the pressing need for the court to educate the public and other interest groups about critical security concerns (Campbell Reinkensmeyer, 2007). Good threat assessments involve three principles: (1) Targeted violence is the end result of an understandable and often discernible process of thinking and acting. (2) One must distinguish between expressing a threat and posing a threat. (3) Violence is the product of an interaction among the potential attacker, his or her current situation, the target, and the setting. Metal detectors are commonplace in courtrooms to prevent any violence but there are times when violence strikes courthouse personnel and/or individuals outside the courts. As in the case of a federal district court judge in Chicago whose family members were the target of violence based on a contempt of court charge (Peak, 2010, p.225). The backlog of cases within the court system has been an ongoing issue in the past years; it has had a negative effect on the accused violating their Sixth Amendment right of a speedy trial. In certain select federal districts (but only in those districts), the Department of Justice (DOJ) operates fast-track sentencing programs through which it grants deeply below-Guidelines sentences to illegal reentry defendants in exchange for quick guilty pleas (Siegler, 2009). The best-known legislation addressing the problem is the Speedy Trial Act of 1974, amended in 1979. It provides firm time limits: 30 days from the time of arrest to indictment and 70 days from indictment to trial (Peak, 2010, p.230). Although this legislation has a proven track record, it is most effective in less violent cases such as drug trafficking, and petty crimes. Problem-solving courts are proving that they can absorb a sufficient share of the court systems overall caseload to justify their existence. Early evaluations suggest that problem-solving courts can be as expeditious as the traditional courts hearing comparable types of cases (Casey Rottman, 2005). They have been successful in eliminating the backlog of court cases and providing alternatives to jail time such as community service, drug rehabilitation, and mental health assistance. CORRECTIONS Prison or correctional facility is a place of confinement for people who have committed serious crimes. Prison organizational structures have changed considerably to respond to external needs. They were administered by state boards of charities, boards composed if citizens, board of inspectors, state prison commissions, or individual prison keepers. (Peak, 2010, p.256) A Warden is the official in charge of the prison. Correctional officers (COs) preside over the inmates. COs are categorized into 5 types: (1) Rule enforcers, (2) Hard-liners, (3) People workers, (4) Synthetic officers, and (5) Loners. Generally the rule enforcers were most likely to hold bachelor or masters degrees. (Peak, 2010, p.287) There has been debate as to whether COs should be required to have degrees. The state of Florida has incentives for COs with degrees: The Florida Department of Corrections provides $30 extra a month to an officer with an associate degree and $80 extra a month for officers with bachelors degrees or higher (Florida State Board of Community Colleges 1996). The Arizona Department of Corrections provides an educational allowance for Corrections Officer III and above. A Corrections Officer III and above receives a 2.5 percent annual salary increase for an associate degree, a five percent annual salary increase for a bachelors degree, and a 7.5 percent annual salary increase for a masters degree. (Bynum, 2009) Michigan Department of Corrections currently requires new officers to complete at least 15 hours of college as a condition of employment. These courses included two college classes in corrections, two in counseling/human behavior, and one involving legal issues in corrections. The courses were in addition to the basic academy (Bynum, 2009). Correctional Officers endure stressful situations as do police officers in the field. COs deal with heavy workloads, understaffing, overcrowding, inmate contact, lack of participation in decision-making and job danger. (Peak, 2010, p.292) Some COs spend more time at work than at home and often times engage in inappropriate staff-inmate relationships with the integration of female officers working in male prisons. Sexual activity is common in prisons; the ongoing debate is whether condoms should be issued to the inmates. Although sexual activity is not condoned, it still exists. The state of Vermont and several jails including Los Angeles, San Francisco, Philadelphia and Washington, DC have condom programs (Peak, 2010, p.308). Sexual risk behaviors such as multiple partners, history of STDs and lack of condom use before incarceration have been reported among males in correctional settings as well as in a national survey of inmates (Bernstein,  Chow,  Ruiz,  Schachter,  Ã‚  et al.  2006). Prisons should adopt the condom program in the efforts to prevent an ongoing epidemic of STDs and HIV within the prison population. The outsourcing or privatization of correctional operations and programs is a great proposal. Creating educational programs for example would benefit inmates who reenter into society an opportunity for job placement and self improvement. Medical, dental and mental health services are beneficial in their overall care. (Peak, 2010, p.317) There are several alternatives to incarceration. Some states have adopted successful programs: The Minneapolis Anti-Violence Initiative (MAVI) is a partnership between the Minneapolis Police Departments Gang Strike Force and the Hennepin County Department of Community Corrections. It targets violent adult and juvenile gang members and provides intensive supervision, joint home visits, and joint neighborhood patrols. It was started in mid-1997. Project One Voice is a partnership between the New Haven (Connecticut) Police Department and adult and juvenile probation and parole agencies begun in 1997 to provide intensive surveillance for high-risk, gang-involved offenders who are on probation, parole, or pretrial release in two New Haven neighborhoods. The Maricopa County Adult Probation Department operates neighborhood-based probation services in the Phoenix area. Each service is a partnership among the probation department, the Phoenix Police Department, and community organizations in the neighborhoods. The three neighborhood probation projects have two goals: (1) to reduce recidivism and (2) to expand the definition of probation to include providing services to the entire community. (Anonymous, 2009) CONCLUSION Merriam-Websters Collegiate Dictionary describes system as a regularly interacting or interdependent group of items forming a unified whole. In my opinion, there is no clear definition of the U.S legal system, each component (police, courts and corrections) play a major role within the system. Their mission and purpose within the organization is clearly defined but they function independently instead of cohesively causing major conflict and discord.